
Challenge for Candidate Countries for EU Membership: Environment and Climate Changes


Challenge for Candidate Countries for EU Membership: Environment and Climate Changes

New EU 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy was presented by the European Commission on 22 January 2014 in Brussels. Details of the Framework have to be agreed upon, but the direction which will be taken by Europe has been already defined. The basis of this policy is the reduction of greenhouse effect gasses of 40% against the level identified in 1990, as well as to achieve the share of renewable energy of minimum 27% by 2030. It is particularly emphasized that the goals will be achieved by national plans and measures.

It is evident that the “climate changes package” (within Chapter 27 for accession) will be one of the greatest challenges for negotiations and EU accession.

Expert team of the Institute monitors the process, analysing possible scenarios, especially for Montenegro and Serbia.

We would like to point out that, within the EU accession process, Montenegro will open the Chapter – Environment in 2014, while Serbia was invited by the European Parliament Resolution of 7 January 2014 to adopt a comprehensive strategy for climate, which would be aligned with the EU goals, as soon as possible.