
Cooperation Between the State and the Non-state Actors in the Implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325


Cooperation Between the State and the Non-state Actors in the Implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325

Public Policy Institute, in cooperation with the Gender Equality Board of the Parliament of Montenegro, the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry for Human and Minority Rights, Women Police Officers Network in South East Europe and representatives of civil sector, the media and academia, with the support of the OSCE Mission and UNDP in Montenegro, invites you to attend the conference "Cooperation Between the State and the Non-state Actors in the Implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325" which will be held on June 4th of 2013, at the hotel “Podgorica” in Podgorica, starting at 09.30 am.

The aim of the conference is to start the focused dialogue and cooperation between institutions, civil society, the media, academia and citizens on the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 – Women, Peace and Security.

Resolution 1325 of the UN Security Council aims to encourage governments around the world to increase women's participation in decision-making, conflict prevention, post-conflict situations, peace negotiations and peacekeeping operations. By adoption the Resolution, Montenegro pledged to actively participate in building the peace, stability and security at the regional and European level.

The dialogue between institutions and civil sector is crucial to the further process of Euro-Atlantic integration of Montenegro, and it has a great importance for the coordinated, focused and efficient implementation of the recommendations arising from the Resolution. The ultimate goal of this dialogue is to define the Women, Peace and Security agenda, whose implementation by the state institutions will largely depend on the quality of cooperation with non-state actors in the process.

We hope that you will attend the conference and contribute to the quality of the dialogue, as well as to the cooperation in future activities.
