
One year of the Public Policy Institute in Podgorica


One year of the Public Policy Institute in Podgorica

The Public Policy Institute was established a year ago in Podgorica in order to channel the synergy of knowledge and attitudes of experienced professionals and public activists into formulating new national, regional and international politics of the post-Yugoslav space. By promoting public dialogue and constructive solutions the PPI intends to contribute to the efforts of the Western Balkan countries to become equal, reliable and progressive partners in European integrations and interrelations.

Since March 1st 2013 the Public Policy Institute has developed and implemented several projects in the field of the rule of law. The priority for the PPI team was working on improving the situation in the media with the emphasis on the professionalization of the media and the gathering of media experts and journalists who recognize the importance of democratic values ​​in journalism. Also, one of the priorities of the PPI team in Podgorica was a more targeted engagement of civilian expertise in important reform processes that Montenegro is undertaking, such as membership in the European Union and NATO.

Upon initial research and analysis of social and media context in Montenegro, the Public Policy Institute developed and implemented several projects.

The first project was related to raising public awareness about the importance of implementing the recommendations of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 of the United Nations Women, Peace and Security. The PPI team in cooperation with the OSCE, UNDP and the Committee for Gender Equality in the Parliament of Montenegro organized a roundtable for civil society organizations and the media about the importance of the Resolution 1325 and the need for the creation of a National Action Plan to implement the recommendations contained in this document.


The next significant project, on which the Public Policy Institute participated, in the role of technical organizer and in cooperation with five associations of professional journalists, was a conference on the media and their role in the securitization process named "Word, Image and Enemy." The Conference brought together media experts and journalists from the Western Balkans and the European Union, opening up for the first time in Montenegro topics that have not been the focus of popular media events in the region over the past decade. The Conference initiated high reference and substantiated debate on issues that determine the freedom of the media to a great extent; by actualizing questions of political instrumentalization of the media, human rights, ethics and standards of journalism and in particular the role of the media in the process of securitization, as a phenomenon that leaves profoundly negative consequences for the lives of individuals, society and the state. The Conference was followed by the multimedia exhibition "Word, Image and Enemy" which aimed to present the public more than 1,000 examples of the negative media coverage in the Western Balkans, but also around the world, as well as examples of direct violations of all ethical standards and norms of the journalistic profession.


In September of 2013 the PPI team began media monitoring on reporting on NATO in the framework of the "NATO Reach Out" Project supported by the Embassy of Slovenia in Podgorica and the Department of Public Diplomacy in NATO. The aim of the monitoring was to identify how and in what manner is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization presented in the media, with special attention paid to critical, informative and comprehensive treatment of NATO integration topics in the course of one month in 2013. The monitoring was based on a detailed analysis of media content which included qualitative and quantitative analysis as well as in-depth group discussion on media content. The study results were presented in December 2013 in the PR Center.


In October 2013 the PPI team began the preparations for the first NATO Council simulation for young people in Montenegro – the "NATO Youth Model Montenegro" Project supported by the U.S. Embassy in Podgorica. The partners on this Project were young people from Montenegro-American Alumni Association. The simulation of the NATO Council meeting activity is being held around the world for years and its main goal is to inform young people about NATO and their acquisition of skills of negotiation and diplomacy.


In December 2013, the Public Policy Institute office in Belgrade began to work. At the opening of the office a series of panels and public discussions were announced on the subject of Serbia's negotiations with the European Union, which will be attended by experts and PPI representatives in order to contribute to the quality of the public dialogue with experience and expertise.
