
Opening of Public Policy Institute in Ljubljana


Opening of Public Policy Institute in Ljubljana

Institute for Public Policy Analysis Ljubljana is officially opened today with the round table entitled “10 years of Slovenia in EU – experiences and challenges for Western Balkans”.

The main goal of the round table was presentation of current trends and latest developments in European Union enlargement process. Special emphasis was placed on current stage of accession of Montenegro and Serbia in European Union and their key challenges in international relations.

Participants in this discussion were the most important representatives of state institutions, professional associations, civil society organizations, media, international organizations and diplomatic missions of Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro.

The discussion was opened by the Minister of Internal Affairs in the Government of Slovenia Mr. Gregor Virant, who said that "europeization" of public administration is key for progress of the Western Balkans countries. He put the emphasis on importance of the changes in public sector representatives’ mentality. Mr. Virant also pointed out the crucial role of political leadership in the country.

On behalf ofInstitute for Public Policy Analysis Ljubljana, Mr Zoran Krunić presented a brief history of the European Union as a community and emphasized the importance of the lessons learned from neighboring countries and present member states such as Slovenia and Croatia.

Member of EU Parliament Ms Tanja Fajon has asserted that EU enlargement process is considerably slowed down after entering of Croatia into the EU. She confirmed that Slovenia will do everything in it’s own power to help Western Balkan countries to integrate themselves into the Union.

Current stages of accession of Montenegro and Serbia in European Union were presented by Ms. Tanja Miščević, Chief negotiator to EU in the Government of Serbia and Mr. Aleksandar Pejović, Chief negotiator to EU in the Government of Montenegro.

Critical perspective on Slovenian foreign policy was given by Mr. Milan Martin Cvikl, Member of European Court of Auditors and Former Minister without portfolio responsible for European affairs in the Government of Slovenia, Ms. Alenka Košir, Head of department for Enlargement and South - Eastern Europe in Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Bojko Bucar, Dean of Faculty for Social Sciences in Ljubljana and Chair of Department of International Relations.

Photo gallery from the round table can be found HERE.