
Panel discussion of the Public Policy Institute Belgrade


Panel discussion of the Public Policy Institute Belgrade

The panel of the Public Policy Institute dedicated to the beginning of the accession negotiations of the Republic of Serbia with the EU, Belgrade, Metropol Hotel, 18th February 2014 at 10.00.

With the aim of providing expert and political support in the forthcoming accession negotiations of the Republic of Serbia with the EU, as well as to draw closer public of Serbia and European institutions to the political and social priorities of Serbia in the European integration process, PPI organizes the panel discussionNegotiations as a priority – priorities in negotiations”.

The main idea is summarized in two principal points:

1. The need to face current political and financial challenges with which Serbia enters negotiation process, and which will have to be overcome gradually and patiently.

2. The possibility of exposing institutional, historic and cultural accomplishments carried by Serbia as a rich inheritance of its experience and potentials.

The political framework of the current political and institutional state of Republic of Serbia at the beginning of negotiation with the EU will be presented by Prof. Nikola Samardzic, PhD, one of the founders of PPI, and Tanja Miscevic, Head of Negotiating Team for Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the EU.

The panel is divided into two thematic sessions:

1. The session dedicated to the Chapters 23 and 24 – Judiciary and fundamental rights, Justice, Freedom and Security – which are considered the priority in negotiations of the candidate countries that are in the state of institutional, economic and social transition.

Mr. Nikola Selakovic, the Minister of Justice and State Administration will be the representative on the behalf of the Government of the Republic of Serbia. The Minister will present the screening process of the legal framework and evaluate the current state of institutions.

The representatives on the behalf of the PPI will be Prof. Stevan Lilic, PhD, chairman of the executive board of the PPI in Podgorica and Prof. Mijat Damjanovic, PhD, chairman of the executive board of the PPI in Belgrade.

2. Session dedicated to the budget priorities in institution building

The representative on the behalf of the Government of the Republic of Serbia will be Mr. Lazar Krstic, Minister of Finance. The representatives on the behalf of the PPI will be Prof. Andjelka Mihajlov, PhD, coordinator of the environment and the green economy sector of the PPI, and M.Sc. Gordana Lazarevic, member of the program committee of the PPI.

The intention of the PPI is to present three important assumptions regarding the actual and future public policy to the representatives of Serbian public, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, diplomatic corps and international institutions:

  1. How to acquire public support and prepare the institutions if negotiation process and EU integration are Serbia’s political, social, cultural and moral priority?
  2. What are the political and expert priorities in negotiation process? Which are the key chapters in the process of harmonization with legal and political achievements of the EU? How to finance the process of EU integration?
  3. What is the historical, cultural and political significance of the European project? What are the mutual advantages of negotiation and integrative processes? What does the EU give to Serbia? What is Serbia’s profit? In what ways does Serbia contribute to the EU? What is the benefit of the EU integration?