
Projects on NATO Presented


Projects on NATO Presented

The accession of Montenegro to NATO should be regarded as an excellent opportunity for a country to utilise its capacities and resources that are being offered to it, for the sake of building better, stronger, more democratic and prosperous country, which ensures the rule of law and justice for its citizens - Douglas Jones said, Deputy Chief of Mission for the U.S. Embassy in Podgorica.

The presentation of projects of NGOs related to the Euro-Atlantic Integration was organized in the Info Centre on Euro-Atlantic Integration, with the support of the U.S. Embassy.

Jones said that 25 NGOs applied for participating in the project, while nine of them were supported, including one media NGO.

"The Government should improve the communication with citizens, and explain why it is important for Montenegro to become NATO member, but, at the same time, to ensure opponents to express their concern", he said.

He explained that the very process of integration is more important than the membership, considering the fact that reforms bring freedom, security and safety to Montenegrin citizens, and American Embassy wishes to support aspirations of a country whose aim is to ensure peace and security in the region.

"In line with the fact that NATO Summit has been scheduled later this year, Montenegro and the issue of its membership have been gaining importance", he added.

When presenting the project, Milica Kovačević from the Centre for Democratic Transition explained that this NGO through its project, in cooperation with TV Vijesti, tried to achieve better communication of parliamentarians with citizens. She said that in this way citizens had the opportunity to ask and discuss burning issues.

Saša Radunović from SPONA NGO expressed the wish of this organization to educate the citizens from the North and involve them more intensively in the Euro-Atlantic Integration process. He explained that the interest of citizens and their attendance at the public discussion would be highest in Rožaje and lowest in Bijelo Polje.

Ruždija Strujić from Bonum NGO thinks that it is necessary to confront pros and cons, and he emphasized that in recent work with people from the North Montenegro, it was noticed that a small number of people in that region support NATO membership.

Bojana Antunović from Atlantic Council of Montenegro announced that, owing to the recent work, this year the summit of the head of Atlantic councils will be transferred from Brussels to Montenegro.

Selena Tasić from the Public Policy Institute talked about recently held simulation of NATO Summit, which recommended Montenegro for organizing the simulation of NATO youth summit, which will gather around 200 people from the whole world.

Miloš Popović, on behalf of MAYAA, described the benefits of recently organized debate competition "NATO, what do you say about it?", which served to educate students of secondary schools about active issues and encourage their critical thinking.

Aleksandar Janičić, Civis Diversus representative, said that through the implementation of their project they tend to educate pensioners and encourage constructive debate in retirement centres in Nikšić, Pljevlja, Plužine, Žabljak, Bijelo Polje and Šavnik. They also plan a final debate at which the representatives of retirement centres will confront their opinions.

Aleksandar Dedović from Alfa Centre talked about the project which have been implemented for several years - REACT, and stated that mutual respect and communication of NGOs is crucial for future results.

Dedović said that the Government rejected REACT project, as it does not consider it as a priority.

National NATO coordinator, Nebojša Kaluđerović, said that he salutes the activities of NGOs as the contribution to public dialogue regarding this significant issue.

Kaluđerović said that the comment of Dedović is not correct, as he himself, as the national coordinator, recommended that Project, which was rejected by the Commission for the Allocation of Funds due to other reasons.

Kaluđerović said that the Government support to some project is not only reflected through financial support, but also through other types of support, such as the involvement of high government officials during project activities.

Source: http://www.cdtmn.org/index.php/2013-11-06-11-39-21/infocentar/373-predstavljeni-projekti-o-nato-u