
Public Call for 2014 Journalist Awards


Public Call for 2014 Journalist Awards

Conference "Word, Image and Enemy", held last year on 11-13 November in Podgorica, gathered media experts and journalists from Western Balkans and European Union, and for the first time in Montenegro, opened the topics which were not in the focus of popular gatherings of media representatives in the previous decade. More than 150 media representatives spoke about the issues that largely condition the freedom of media, actualizing the issues of political instruments in media, violation of human rights, ethics and journalist profession standards.

As it was announced, at the next conference which will be held in 2014, media associations, which organized this gathering: Media Council for Self-Regulation, Montenegrin Journalists Association, Association of Independent Electronic Media, Association of Montenegrin Electronic Broadcasters, Association of Local Printed Media of Montenegro and Public Policy Institute, will provide journalist award for professional, responsible and ethical journalism which abides by journalist code of ethics in Montenegro.

Candidates for the award may be individual journalists and media experts or media companies or organizations which particularly contributed to the professionalism in journalist work.

On this occasion, organizers address PUBLIC CALL to all interested individuals and organizations to send their proposals for THE NAME OF AWARD as well as THE CRITERIA BASED ON WHICH THE AWARD WILL BE PROVIDED.

The fund for the award amounts to 3000 EUR.
This public call expires on 28 February 2014.
Please send your proposal to the following email office@rijecslikaneprijatelj.me