
Representatives of Institute members observers in working groups of NCEI


Representatives of Institute members observers in working groups of NCEI

Professor Stevan Lilic, the Chairman of the Board of the Institute and professor of administrative law, and Selena Tasic, program manager of the Institute, will participate as observers in the Working Groups I and II of the National Convention on European Integration of Montenegro, 2013-2014.

European Movement in Montenegro and the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, with financial support from the EU Delegation to Montenegro, and with participation of the Government and the Parliament of Montenegro, invited experts and representatives of non-governmental organizations, universities, professional organizations, business sector, employers' associations and syndicates to participate in the working groups within the project National Convention on European Integration of Montenegro (NKEI 2013-2014).

Project “The National Convention on European Integration of Montenegro (NKEI 2013-2014)" is fully committed to creating a synergetic effect of all social forces in Montenegro, with the aim of strengthening and multiplying efforts to accelerate social, political and economic reform in the European integration process, especially in light of the accession negotiations between Montenegro and the European Union.