
Time for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Montenegro


Time for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Montenegro

Public Policy Institute together with Slovenian Ekvilib Institute is implementing a project titled “Time for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Montenegro”. The project is financed by Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Slovenia’s Development Cooperation and it is carried out in Montenegro for duration of 29 months. The aim of the project is to raise awareness regarding gender equality, foster dialog between institutions, civil sector and media, along with taking concrete measures in order to improve women’s position in Montenegro, their role and participation in many sectors, with special attention devoted to security sector. Montenegro remains the only Western Balkans country without enacted Action Plan for implementation of the Resolution R1235. Passing of the Action Plan would enable clear approach to the question of gender equality in areas of security, peace and conflict prevention. National Action Plan, as an obligatory document enacted by government, has a special significance in post-conflict, post-authoritarian and countries in transition. The implementation of NAP is a very important process, especially from the aspect of the rule of law, which is the key for all countries that aims for EU integration.