Environmental institutions in Montenegro


Environmental institutions in Montenegro
Project Study for strengthening administrative capacities of environmental institutions in Montenegro
Location Role Donator/Financial sources Duration
Montenegro Implementing organisation UNDP May - December 2014
Project goals

Strengthened, more accountable, effective and efficient environmental institutions of Montenegro.

The project proposal aims at developing Study for strengthening administrative capacities for environmental policy in Montenegro, which should result in detail and systematic assessment of existing administrative capacities, projections of the future human resources needs in this area, as well as proposals of steps and activities to be undertaken in the area of environmental management, where additional efforts are required.

The study should demonstrate the views, findings and conclusions of the experts on how to enhance institutional capacities and structures, in order to address environmental issues. In this regard, the experts engaged in Study preparation should, among others, identify and target the organisations which are most capable of addressing the environmental issues, as also to specify environmental capacities to be enhanced within each organisation, including targets to be achieved. Special attention should be dedicated to financial - technical constraints and challenges when it comes to achieving this objective.

The Study consists of the following outputs:

  • Overview and current state of affairs in the environmental sector in Montenegro (focus on institutional setup),
  • An overview of administrative capacities by sectors and institutions,
  • Main findings and recommendation for enhancing of administrative capacities.
Project Study for strengthening administrative capacities of environmental institutions in Montenegro
Location Role
Montenegro Implementing organisation
Donator/Financial sources Duration
UNDP May - December 2014
Project goals

Strengthened, more accountable, effective and efficient environmental institutions of Montenegro.

The project proposal aims at developing Study for strengthening administrative capacities for environmental policy in Montenegro, which should result in detail and systematic assessment of existing administrative capacities, projections of the future human resources needs in this area, as well as proposals of steps and activities to be undertaken in the area of environmental management, where additional efforts are required.

The study should demonstrate the views, findings and conclusions of the experts on how to enhance institutional capacities and structures, in order to address environmental issues. In this regard, the experts engaged in Study preparation should, among others, identify and target the organisations which are most capable of addressing the environmental issues, as also to specify environmental capacities to be enhanced within each organisation, including targets to be achieved. Special attention should be dedicated to financial - technical constraints and challenges when it comes to achieving this objective.

The Study consists of the following outputs:

  • Overview and current state of affairs in the environmental sector in Montenegro (focus on institutional setup),
  • An overview of administrative capacities by sectors and institutions,
  • Main findings and recommendation for enhancing of administrative capacities.

Beneficiary institution is the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro. Public Policy Institute team of experts: Anđelka Mihajlov, Team leader, Nebojša Pokimica, Deputy Team leader, Hristina Stevanović-Čarapina, Nataša Žugić-Drakulić and Filip Jovanović.