Media and process of securitization - Western Balkans


Media and process of securitization - Western Balkans
Project Role of media in the process of securitization in Western Balkans
Location Role Donator/Financial sources Duration
Montenegro Partner Media Fund in Bucharest, Greek Embassy in MNE, Turkish Embassy in MNE, Croatian Embassy MNE, Slovenian Embassy MNE June - November 2013.
Project goals

To broaden a debate in journalistic profession on the responsibility of media and initiate specific action in the direction of raising media professionalism in Western Balkans

Project Team: Media Self-Regulation Council, Council of the Agency of electronic media of Montenegro, Association of independent electronic media of Montenegro, Association of Montenegrin journalists, Association of local print media and Public Policy Institute.

The need for this project lies in the fact that, with the rapid expansion of new technologies, using media for achieving personal/political/business goals, became easier and more uncontrolled than ever before. After analyzing a vast number of articles, front pages, images and headlines, the project team concluded that media can at the same time be the actors of securitization, or actors influenced by securitization (functional actors), depending on the subject that put the problem on public agenda.


  • Organization of the Conference for 150 journalists and media experts from WB and EU on the responsibility of media and the importance of raising media professionalism in Western Balkans;
  • Analysis of a vast number of articles, front pages, images and headlines from the perspective of the phenomena of securitization;
  • Organization of the Public exhibition of print outs of media on global, regional and local level showing examples of media as actors in securitization;
  • publications and media activities.
Project Role of media in the process of securitization in Western Balkans
Location Role
Montenegro Partner
Donator/Financial sources Duration
Media Fund in Bucharest, Greek Embassy in MNE, Turkish Embassy in MNE, Croatian Embassy MNE, Slovenian Embassy MNE June - November 2013.
Project goals

To broaden a debate in journalistic profession on the responsibility of media and initiate specific action in the direction of raising media professionalism in Western Balkans

Project Team: Media Self-Regulation Council, Council of the Agency of electronic media of Montenegro, Association of independent electronic media of Montenegro, Association of Montenegrin journalists, Association of local print media and Public Policy Institute.

The need for this project lies in the fact that, with the rapid expansion of new technologies, using media for achieving personal/political/business goals, became easier and more uncontrolled than ever before. After analyzing a vast number of articles, front pages, images and headlines, the project team concluded that media can at the same time be the actors of securitization, or actors influenced by securitization (functional actors), depending on the subject that put the problem on public agenda.


  • Organization of the Conference for 150 journalists and media experts from WB and EU on the responsibility of media and the importance of raising media professionalism in Western Balkans;
  • Analysis of a vast number of articles, front pages, images and headlines from the perspective of the phenomena of securitization;
  • Organization of the Public exhibition of print outs of media on global, regional and local level showing examples of media as actors in securitization;
  • publications and media activities.


The Conference Word, image and enemy was organized in Podgorica from 11th to 13th November 2013, with more than 150 participants, journalists and media experts from Western Balkan and EU. More on Conference find HERE.

Key points of the Conference Word, image and enemy read on following LINK.

For more information about Conference visit web site

As it was announced, at the next conference which will be held in 2014, Project Team will provide journalist award for professional, responsible and ethical journalism which abides by journalist code of ethics in Montenegro. Public Call for 2014 Journalist Award find HERE.