
Project NATO Reach Out 2
Location Role Donator/Financial sources Duration
Montenegro Implementing organization NATO Public Diplomacy Division Brussels, Embassy of Slovenia in Montenegro June - December 2014
Project goals

Raising awareness of Montenegro public about NATO integrations threw monitoring of media and direct work with the target groups.

Public Policy Institute begins implementation of the second part of the project “NATO Reach out”, which is supported by the NATO Public Diplomacy Division and the Embassy of Slovenia in Montenegro. The goal of the project is to identify how much and in which way the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) is presented in media, where special attention is paid to critical, informative and substantial treatment of topics of NATO integrations during one average month in 2014.

“NATO Reach out 2” is a project aimed to get NATO integrations closer to the Montenegro public, threw monitoring of media and direct work with the target groups. The first part of the project was related to media reporting about security sector reform in Montenegro and NATO integrations in general. The second part of the project has special importance for us, because it is directed to the young students of Political Science and Communications, who are now preparing for responsible positions in Montenegro society, society that respects international obligations and stands for the rule of law and participatory managing of the human security. Seminar about reporting on security sector in Montenegro will take place at the University of Donja Gorica.

Project NATO Reach Out 2
Location Role
Montenegro Implementing organization
Donator/Financial sources Duration
NATO Public Diplomacy Division Brussels, Embassy of Slovenia in Montenegro June - December 2014
Project goals

Raising awareness of Montenegro public about NATO integrations threw monitoring of media and direct work with the target groups.

Public Policy Institute begins implementation of the second part of the project “NATO Reach out”, which is supported by the NATO Public Diplomacy Division and the Embassy of Slovenia in Montenegro. The goal of the project is to identify how much and in which way the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) is presented in media, where special attention is paid to critical, informative and substantial treatment of topics of NATO integrations during one average month in 2014.

“NATO Reach out 2” is a project aimed to get NATO integrations closer to the Montenegro public, threw monitoring of media and direct work with the target groups. The first part of the project was related to media reporting about security sector reform in Montenegro and NATO integrations in general. The second part of the project has special importance for us, because it is directed to the young students of Political Science and Communications, who are now preparing for responsible positions in Montenegro society, society that respects international obligations and stands for the rule of law and participatory managing of the human security. Seminar about reporting on security sector in Montenegro will take place at the University of Donja Gorica.

Follow up

Results of media monitoring in Montenegro conducted as part of the project "NATO Reach Out 2" can be downloaded HERE