
Project NATO Reach Out
Location Role Donator/Financial sources Duration
Montenegro Implementing organization NATO Public Diplomacy Division Brussels, Embassy of Slovenia in Montenegro August 2013 - January 2014.
Project goals

Raising awareness and understanding of NATO integrations in public and enhancing the involvement of the media in the public debate on NATO membership.

Public Policy Institute, with the support of NATO Public Diplomacy Division in Brussels and the Embassy of Slovenia in Montenegro, will start a project in September 2013th, which will begin with monitoring of the media on reporting on the Montenegros integration into NATO. Monitoring will be followed by a consultation process with the media and the representatives of media, as well as specialized seminar for graduate students of journalism on reporting about NATO and the security sector.

The project has several goals: to raise awareness and understanding of NATO integrations in public, enhance the involvement of the media in the public debate on NATO membership, based on knowledge and facts, as well as to involve youth in the decision-making in society through education and professional development within the media profession.

Monitoring of electronic, print and online media in Montenegro will be conducted during September 2013. Due to a necessity to observe the real state of the treatment of NATO topic in Montenegrin media, the monitoring report will include a qualitative pre-monitoring analysis (during August and the first nine days of September), as well as a post-monitoring analysis (in October), while the monitoring period itself will be presented in the form of a quantitative-qualitative analysis (from September 9th to 30th).

The aim of the monitoring is to identify what extent and in what way the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) is presented in Montenegrin media, placing special attention to the critical, informative and substantial treatment of the NATO integrations topic.

Project NATO Reach Out
Location Role
Montenegro Implementing organization
Donator/Financial sources Duration
NATO Public Diplomacy Division Brussels, Embassy of Slovenia in Montenegro August 2013 - January 2014.
Project goals

Raising awareness and understanding of NATO integrations in public and enhancing the involvement of the media in the public debate on NATO membership.

Public Policy Institute, with the support of NATO Public Diplomacy Division in Brussels and the Embassy of Slovenia in Montenegro, will start a project in September 2013th, which will begin with monitoring of the media on reporting on the Montenegros integration into NATO. Monitoring will be followed by a consultation process with the media and the representatives of media, as well as specialized seminar for graduate students of journalism on reporting about NATO and the security sector.

The project has several goals: to raise awareness and understanding of NATO integrations in public, enhance the involvement of the media in the public debate on NATO membership, based on knowledge and facts, as well as to involve youth in the decision-making in society through education and professional development within the media profession.

Monitoring of electronic, print and online media in Montenegro will be conducted during September 2013. Due to a necessity to observe the real state of the treatment of NATO topic in Montenegrin media, the monitoring report will include a qualitative pre-monitoring analysis (during August and the first nine days of September), as well as a post-monitoring analysis (in October), while the monitoring period itself will be presented in the form of a quantitative-qualitative analysis (from September 9th to 30th).

The aim of the monitoring is to identify what extent and in what way the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) is presented in Montenegrin media, placing special attention to the critical, informative and substantial treatment of the NATO integrations topic.

On November 30th, 2013 two focus groups about treatment of NATO topic in Montenegrin media were held with representatives of monitored media- one with Editors in Chief and one with Journalists. Read MORE.

On December 27th, 2013, Public Policy Institute presented the results of the first part of "NATO Reach Out" project. More informations about research find HERE.

Publication "Montenegro - NATO in Media" can be downloaded here (PDF).

The Public Policy Institute will begin the implementation of the second part of the project “NATO Reach Out” during June 2014. Read MORE.