Women, Peace and Security


Women, Peace and Security
Project Implementation of R SC UN 1325 in Montenegro
Location Role Donator/Financial sources Duration
Montenegro Implementing organisation OSCE, UNDP April 2013 - December 2014. godine
Project goals

Providing support to the implementation of Resolution 1325 in Montenegro as well as informing and educating the representatives of the security sector, the media and the general public.

Project goals will be achieved by establishing a dialogue between civil society organizations and the security sector institutions and including media as one of the crucial non-state actors who have an important role in raising awareness on the importance of mainstreaming gender perspective in security sector. Supporting the implementation of the Plan of Action for Gender Equality 2013-2017 (which does not include a separate field of action-women in the security sector) and the full integration of gender perspective in the security sector and by adopting Agenda for Women, peace and security to meet the recommendations of Resolution 1325, this project will aim to ensure that the different security needs and perspectives of women and men are taken into account in the formulation of policies in the field of security in Montenegro.

Project Implementation of R SC UN 1325 in Montenegro
Location Role
Montenegro Implementing organisation
Donator/Financial sources Duration
OSCE, UNDP April 2013 - December 2014. godine
Project goals

Providing support to the implementation of Resolution 1325 in Montenegro as well as informing and educating the representatives of the security sector, the media and the general public.

Project goals will be achieved by establishing a dialogue between civil society organizations and the security sector institutions and including media as one of the crucial non-state actors who have an important role in raising awareness on the importance of mainstreaming gender perspective in security sector. Supporting the implementation of the Plan of Action for Gender Equality 2013-2017 (which does not include a separate field of action-women in the security sector) and the full integration of gender perspective in the security sector and by adopting Agenda for Women, peace and security to meet the recommendations of Resolution 1325, this project will aim to ensure that the different security needs and perspectives of women and men are taken into account in the formulation of policies in the field of security in Montenegro.


A conference dedicated to cooperation of state and non-state actors in the process of implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 - Women, Peace and Security, was organized in hotel “Podgorica” on the 4th of June 2013 by the Public Policy Institute. More on conference find HERE.