Prof. dr Dražen Cerović: NATO is not only good, but the only guarantee of security


Montenegro is an old Balkan country, whose geographical position and environment have always been specific, beautiful but also dangerous. Our rich history too well taught us lessons about how to defend their country, but also the consequences of irresponsible attitude towards their future.

Security framework

Eight years ago, Montenegro has regained its statehood, awakening from almost a century of state "deep hibernation". Recent years Montenegro largely restored its "life functions", but the process, although it is very progressed it’s not still complete. It can not be completed until it is created a proper security framework in which Montenegro will have a secure ground for its further development.

Montenegro is in the process of building its institutions, strengthening their identity, achieving inner harmony and building good relations with our closer and distant environment. For all that Montenegro needs a proper security framework, which can only be guaranteed by membership in the military-political alliance such as NATO.

Lately in our public is placed a question whether the future accession of Montenegro to NATO, which will happen in a year or two, will cold relationship with someone? Such an inferior position is understandable when it comes from those who perceive Montenegro as someone's southern province. But it is simply incomprehensible when in certain circles of people who share the values ​​of the developed world are coming constant justification for running the pro-Western policy and supporting the decisions of the European Union.

It's really hard to believe that anyone reasonable can assume the argument that this will get cold relations with Montenegro?!

Does anyone in this country really thinks that will appease opponents of its existence by hesitating to strengthen its safeguards ?! And that without even an apology?

Montenegro is due to issue its survival has no need to apologize to anyone, because Montenegro owe nothing to no one. In times to come, Montenegro decided to keep themselves and guard against all dangers that might come.

Intensify the talks

These days, the Secretary General of NATO announced that talks with Montenegro on its membership in the Alliance will be intensified in the coming period. This is positive news, because our country does not have to wait for the next summit for decision on the membership, but this will likely occur earlier, perhaps as early as next June. It is important to point out that now we can safely say that Montenegro's accession to NATO is an irreversible process, which requires only a few steps. Until then, it most certainly can expect a favorable geopolitical situation, which always has a great influence on the process of enlargement of the Alliance. It is quite evident, as is clearly the current global security situation, primarily the situation in Ukraine, influenced the decision to the upcoming NATO summit is not the summit of enlargement.

Complete the reform

In this sense, Montenegro's commitment in the future is improving its institutions. What is particularly important to do in the meantime, is to complete the already began reforms in the security sector.

Development of our institutions, which will be finalized by entering of Montenegro to NATO, will contribute to the preservation of peace and political stability, judicial reform, improving public administration, the fight against organized crime and corruption. Reception will contribute to economic development and provide multiplier effects on society.

NATO is not only good, but the only guarantee of security

There is no need to spend time on explanations of why and how NATO is not only good, but the only guarantee of security in the Western Balkans, which distant and recent past is very unstable. It is enough to mention stopping the wars in the Western Balkans, the intervention that led to the end of the conflict in Bosnia and Kosovo, preventive presence in the region in the situation in Montenegro in 1999 when due to disagreements with the former aggressive policy of the Belgrade regime was threatened by Milosevic's military and paramilitary groups.


Prof. Dražen Cerović, Public Policy Institute Podgorica