Prof. Dražen Cerović: MONTENEGRO AND NATO - European security and stability


Montenegro's accession to NATO is supposed to contribute to the preservation of peace and political stability, creating a better ground for the improvement of democratic and institutional reforms, judicial reform, improving public administration, the fight against organized crime and corruption. It should contribute to the economic development and the multiplier effect on society as a whole.

The reasons for this choice are numerous and very content-based. They are basically related to the system of collective security and of Montenegro in it. In the modern world and time, the possibility that small countries themselves effectively ensure their safety is very low (it is almost zero).

Example in the region

Montenegro, although not so strong military factor in international relations, however, are politically very appreciated for its contribution to the stabilization of the Balkans, and as such is quite a welcome partner democratic countries in every aspect including the NATO military mission, which contribute to the stabilization of the situation in the troubled regions of the world . Its role is certainly to some point political because, as a state example from the Western Balkans, sends a signal of political and military readiness of the countries of region to participate in the process of establishing peace in the world. This provides a positive example to others in the region.

It is safe to say that at this historical moment there is only one practical way to successfully achieve this important goal, and that is membership in collective security systems, like of NATO and Partnership for Peace. In addition to providing security to its members, NATO promotes peace and cooperation, and helping transition countries that their systems conform to the new time.

The rapid development

Membership in NATO and Partnership for Peace program also guarantees that a particular state is a stable region for the placement of foreign capital and all forms of investment, and therefore every country that is a member of the association has a very strong presumption of rapid economic development.

All this, in the end, goes in favor of meeting the standards for EU accession. Most countries which are members of the EU before that, as a rule, first became a member of NATO or Partnership for Peace. Membership in NATO, therefore, is largely complementary to its membership in the European Union. These are facts that speak enough for themselves, without the need for any further elaboration.

NATO's expansion strengthens the overall European security and stability. NATO is one kind of response the democratic countries of the world on the security challenges of the new era.

Who are the enemies

Even the most superficial observer of political happenings in the last twenty years must notice some overlap. First of all one that clearly shows who are opponents of the idea of ​​the independence of Montenegro, who are opponents of the idea of guaranteeing the security of Montenegro through military-political integration in NATO. Unfortunately, both then and now are same structure. Each camouflage that goes in the direction of concealing the essence and motive of this concealing very easily falls under the impact of obvious facts. Without denying that the rows of the opponents of this idea, especially in the domain of civil society, there is probably a part of those who represent such an attitude of possible different reasons. Resistance to integration into NATO, besides being a democratic right of part of the political scene in our country, it deserves a deeper review. Especially in light of some very indicative and easily verifiable facts.

And in this respect, things are pretty clear to anyone who wants to look at them from the right perspective. Montenegro regained its statehood eight years ago and is still in the construction phase of its institutions, strengthening their identity, achieving inner harmony and build good relationships with their closer and distant environment. For all that Montenegro needs is proper security framework, which to her at this time can only be guaranteed by membership in the military-political alliance such as NATO.

Unstable area

At a very attractive, but also very unstable region of the Western Balkans, at the moment there is not only better, but also any other framework that would guarantee long-term peace and harmonious development of the Western Balkans countries, except this one last year Montenegro really strives for a very rational reasons.

Any other attitude to which NATO integration would mean neglecting the troubled Balkan history, and world history by those who are not willing to learn from their mistakes, and thus bringing Montenegro in a position to be a potential victim of a regional or global hegemon.

Not only hope, but I am convinced that Montenegro will never allow for it, and by restoring their long lost statehood, demonstrated rationality and decided to defend ourselves and defend against all dangers that can come on the horizon, either directly or distant future.

Commitment to Euro-Atlantic path of the Western Balkans

In international relations theory, there is a very grounded view that European democratic state will never fight each other, because they will all reap the benefits of a stable and secure environment that we all jointly build support for this system of collective security. NATO certainly gives them a very important form of guarantee that it will in the future be. Protection of any kind and of any person attempts to influence the peace and harmonious relations in the areas covered by the Partnership for Peace and NATO itself, the main goal of security - political association. The fact that Montenegro and almost all other countries in the region directly projected membership in the Partnership for Peace, NATO and the EU as a strategic objective, is sufficient proof that the commitment to Euro-Atlantic path of the Western Balkans is really unquestionable.

NATO is responsible for the stabilization of South Eastern Europe

NATO is no longer only a military but also a political organization that has a great influence on the processes of global security, and many other important processes. Finally, NATO is responsible for the stabilization of South Eastern Europe and the end of military conflict. NATO took responsibility for the implementation of peace agreements and management of peacekeeping projects in southeast Europe. This has provided a guarantee of efficiency in preventing any kind of conflict in the region.

Turning a blind eye to the reality is not the way

Contemplation of some in the direction of calling on "how it used to be" and that neutrality is the only right way, disregarding dramatically changed geopolitical circumstances and living in a period of fifty years ago. Turning a blind eye to the reality is not the way to get the facts change, but it represents an irrational attitude which does not lead to constructive solutions.


Prof. Dražen Cerović, Public Policy Institute Podgorica