Prof. Dražen Cerović: Security framework requirement for institution building


Security framework is a conditio sine qua non of development and conservation of each country in the world. If anyone thinks that quality institutions can be built without an effective security framework, let him think about why is so important that before any construction to raise the fence around the construction site. And without a special reminder that this is a metaphor, it is clear that Montenegro from the return of independence is actually a big "construction site".

Membership in NATO

Primarily, it builds and will continue building its future by developing institutions and standardization of rules for their work, joining international organizations and integrations, improving relations with our immediate and distant environment and in many other ways. However, without adequate security mechanism, such as the membership in NATO, all of the above will still easily come into question. Simply the logical postulate is "older" than any attempt foggy reassuring statements to Montenegro in the given historical and geopolitical circumstances may be neutral or be part of some new military-political alliance with the East, not only in reality does not exist, but im no one yet knows no intention, nor see their outlines. However, as you can see the outlines of hegemony in the East, which has in recent years, especially the last months, reactivated, and as such has caused dangerous global war conflicts in Ukraine, threatening to spill over to neighboring countries, and even much further, without prejudice this in perspective, even the Balkans. In such a situation, Montenegro would not enter into NATO as its greatest military and political alliance today risked everything ever created. I statehood and sovereignty and the inviolability of borders and the economy and the economy, education and culture.

Belonging and uniqueness

No reasonable person and well-intentioned one can not dispute the fact that absolutely all of the above, even today, despite the fact that Montenegro regained its sovereignty, continuing at a greater or lesser intensity of challenge and pressure of the opponents of its existence. To Montenegrins are sometimes quietly and sometimes loudly being denied the right of ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity and uniqueness. And not just from the outside, but in the midst of Montenegro itself! Her opponent is very clear that not entering in NATO meant unexpectedly open the chance for a historic revision of the referendum results, which pulled Montenegro from the jaws of a large state and regional hegemony. From there comes the objection to the idea of joining NATO by the political entities that have traditionally devoted to attempts to keep Montenegro in every feasible way undermineted.

Lines of division

Many internal contradictions make line of division among our citizens. On the long run is very harmful to the internal consensus on vital issues of survival and development of the Montenegrin state. Such "messy" situation, if Montenegro does not have proper security framework, any regional, or global hegemony can try to take advantage at any time. After all, that wouldn’t be the first time that our weaknesses are turning against ourselves. Montenegrin history is full of tragic confirmation of the claims above, that anyone responsible can not close its eyes in front of it.

However, the last few years the situation has changed for the better. Awareness of people, fortunately, is not immutable category. An increasing number of Montenegrin citizens recognizes the crucial importance of good security guarantee for the preservation of their national home. In whole integration process, it is very significant observed trend to stronger support of our citizenry to Montenegro's membership in NATO and the public is starting to see the benefits of it to the state and citizens.

Also, relations between Montenegro and neighbors are constantly improving and our country from all its partners and the international community recognized as a factor of stability in the region. Stability of Montenegro, bearing in mind the reputation of the region, has additional value. This was a very important reference for the decisive progress of Montenegro towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration in the past eight years since the restoration of independence, and it will certainly be in the future.

The significance of the call

A recent statement by Prime Minister Djukanovic to expect that we will get a positive message at the NATO summit in Wales and confirmation of the progress achieved, as well as the Alliance's preparedness to evaluate the effect of which will recommend us to be the first next member of the Alliance, is very encouraging. Good factor in the whole situation really is the fact that Montenegro has good the foreign political strategy and selected real foreign policy priorities, which are in the best interest of the state and its citizens and that it identifies with our Western partners. Therefore, we can reasonably hope that the member countries of NATO view the importance of call to Montenegro in a regional context.

Development of our institutions, which will result in acceptance of Montenegro to NATO, will contribute to the preservation of peace and political stability, judicial reform, improving public administration, the fight against all forms of illegal behavior in the society. Consequently, admission will contribute to the economic and democratic development, and provide a multiplier effect on society as a whole.

What lies ahead

Our country is determined by a clear timeframe that to the end of 2015 continues fulfillment of obligations, so the Alliance from its ministerial level could send us an invitation to join, without waiting for a new summit, as usual. Time until the end of next year should be used to complete the process of reforms in the security sector. Strengthening of integration processes in the Balkans on long term contributes to the strengthening of European and global security. This criteria, without some extremely large "earthquakes" on the geopolitical stage in the next year or two, with all that we have done so far in terms of integration, will be sufficient to Montenegro receive an invitation for membership in NATO and thereby ensure its long-term security in times to come.

The geopolitical situation has an impact on the process of enlargement

Geopolitical situation still has great influence on the process of enlargement of the Alliance. It is quite evident, as is clearly the current global security situation, primarily the situation in Ukraine, the reason for the decision to the upcoming NATO summit is not the summit of enlargement. Such decisions may be from the standpoint of analysis of the political and security trends seriously disputed and, as such, but is slow by many serious experts. However, the political pragmatism of the great powers is always an element that must be brought into any political assessment, especially when it comes to processes specific priorities such as receiving countries in NATO.


Prof. Dražen Cerović, Public Policy Institute Podgorica